
Advancing RF Antenna Development at Ciholas

At Ciholas, we have extensive experience in RF Antenna Development which allows us to easily determine what types of antennas we need for specific applications. Throughout the years, we have designed and tested almost all of the antennas that we have used, especially for our UWB products.

Choosing the correct antenna depends on the application. In most cases, the best antenna is one that efficiently radiates the most energy in every direction, while remaining cost-effective and compact in size. One key point is how well the antenna performs in each direction. We have designed and built our own antenna positioner, which allows us to position the antenna in every orientation and measure the overall performance. Another important aspect is overall efficiency, which is generally measured through distance.

“Our extensive expertise and experience in RF antenna development really sets us apart and allows us to provide our clients with efficient, high-quality designs that fit their specific needs.”

The majority of what we do is very specific and involves numerous variables that we have to consider, such as size or battery life. Our expertise lies in our ability to adapt our devices to fit each application and understand which aspects of antenna design are important for achieving the best performance.

Our DWTAG is a great example of our ability to get the best performance from a small device. We do a lot of out of the box thinking and put a lot of effort into finding the right antenna, design, and orientation. Time is also invested in researching materials and discovering new ways to push the boundaries of what we can do to exceed the expectations we have set.

The majority of the antennas that we have done throughout the years have been either in the 2.4 GHz ISM band or the UWB region. Both of these antennas require an understanding of the requirements of the application and the user; however, in the 2.4 GHz space, there are a lot more components available off the shelf due to smartphones requiring 2.4 GHz performance. These types of antennas are more straightforward and commonly understood.

We have also done a large amount of antenna design within UWB as well. This new market has been emerging over the past few years and is starting to become more common. With an increase in commercial development, we have found ourselves at the forefront of the market. Our extensive expertise and experience in RF antenna development really sets us apart and allows us to provide our clients with efficient, high-quality designs to fit their specific needs.