
VIDEO: From Chip to App

At Ciholas, We fill the gap from chip to app.

An Interesting project we’ve done is the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. This museum is four hundred and thirty thousand square feet of space that is covered by our system. It’s a very large scale, to single largest installation of UWB-tracking in North America currently. The design process for them was a complete cycle, starting for early conceptual designs, through prototyping phases, and definitely iteration back and forth with them improving the design.

There were several different stages that we went through. Early stages obviously involved a lot of software. From there we researched different ways of holding the device, whether it be a lanyard or straps. From there, we designed an enclosure for the device with the user interface in mind. The Museum opened in November of 2017, and since that time we’ve maintained a presence on site and remotely, troubleshooting any problems that might arise.

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